Penko Park After playing a few horror games for the month, including Amnesia: Rebirth, I needed something less horrific and more cutesy. Something like a palate cleanser to get me…
Resolutiion I consider myself to be a huge fan of strange ideas. If there is a game or movie out there with a strange setting or story, I usually find…
Ghostrunner There’s a certain intensity in games where one hit kills you that just can’t be found in other games. Games like Hotline Miami provided this fun balance in gameplay…
Interview with Rob Clarke The Autumn Steam Game Festival is upon us soon, and with it will come a whole slew of new demos to try out for upcoming games.…
BPM: Bullets Per Minute I wouldn’t say I am really into rhythm games. I played games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band, and I love playing Beat Saber, but I…
Paradise Killer Detective games can be tough to make. There’s so much to think about when making one: the mystery, the gameplay, and most importantly, the balance of giving…
The Stranger VR The most important thing to bring to your VR game is interaction. The reason we strap a screen to our face is to immerse ourselves into…
Metamorphosis Links for Metamorphosis Steam: Facebook: Twitter Inspiration can be found anywhere. Life, politics, art, even in just the tiniest of things like bugs or…