The latest celebration to the Star Wars franchise has passed with the May the 4th be with you and this year has once again surprised fans with brand new announcements for film, tv, and finally video games. Down below are the biggest gaming reveals that occurred during May the 4th.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
First revealed during E3 2019, this new title in the Lego Star Wars series brings together all nine films in the Skywalker Saga into one game. On May the 4th we got our first look at the games official box art along with a host of additional information. For starters, players can jump into any movie in the saga to play whenever they feel like meaning if you want to jump in and play Empire Strikes Back first you can do so. It was also revealed that the game will have over 500 individual characters with most of them being playable along with a host of ships to fly around in. So get ready to explore the Saga once again but this time in Lego form when Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga releases on October 20th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
The next announcement that occurred on May the 4th was a recent update to Fallen Order, which added a bunch of much-requested features. A video which was released on that day detailed the new things the update had in store for players with the biggest one being New Journey+ which allowed players to play through the game all over again but this time with their unlocked cosmetic items, along with this players who take the plunge into New Journey+ will unlock exclusive gear for both BD-1 and Cal to wear like an Inquisitor outfit and a red option for his lightsaber with dark side parts to customize it with. Another feature added is a brand new mode called Meditation Training where players can select one of over 10 challenge arenas and fight waves of opponents or craft your own dream fights in a creator mode where you can choose the size of the arena but be warned players only have a specific amount of points to use so chose the enemies wisely or just spam all Second Sister that will be up to you. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is available now on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series
A brand new host of players will have the chance to experience the critically acclaimed Vader Immortal later this summer thanks to the announcement of the game coming to Playstation VR sometime this summer. The game originally released on Oculus Rift and Quest back in 2019, the story takes place in three episodic chapters that involves players who take the form of a smuggler that is kidnapped by Darth Vader in order to uncover the secrets of Mustafar. Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series is available now on Oculus Rift/Quest and releases on PlayStation VR later this summer.