5 Top Gaming PC Monitors in 2021 PC monitors have become more diverse, powerful, and flexible than ever — even more so than their TV counterparts. They also make up…
Fight Crab on the Nintendo Switch or, why crabs are raving for a fight After 2 years of being enamored by the trailer for Fight Crab, it has finally fallen…
Jedi Academy A long time ago, in a home on Earth, a child sat at his TV watching the legendary Star Wars. Multiple times. Over and over. Flash forward to…
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends I'll admit, Bubble Bobble from the legendary Taito is before my time by quite a bit. I grew up in a different era than than Taito's…
Dark Table CCG: A Free for All Card Game Set out to compete with Magic: The Gathering and Hearthstone Preview by Jack Bankhead How many collectible card games have I…
One Step from Eden Anyone remember MegaMan Battle Network? It had this unique and engaging battle system centered around spell cards and deck building, plus a grid based battle ground.…
Riverbond for the Nintendo Switch or, why it sinks in the river I don't mind the voxel aesthetic many games have. Minecraft is near and dear to my heart. It's…
NBA 2K20 The origin story of sports games are not complicated. A new year, new season leads to a new game. Unfortunately, with new Madden, new FIFA, and the like, quality can be…
I Love You Colonel Sanders Finger-Lickin' Strange The strangest thing happened. There was this running joke between my friend and myself, about how Colonel Sanders is made of our dreams.…
Couch Multiplayer Games for the Switch The best, almost three years later In Jack's Opinion. Crash Team Racing Activision Not only does it have some of the best graphics on…